Thursday, January 21, 2010


Assalamu 'Alaikum dear brothers and sisters

Just want to share something with you all… Think carefully for our next future generations… Remember the quote “to see the future of nation just look at their youth @ youngster… What their done is the mirror of what will happen in future….”

So what happen now give big implication on our next generation…

It’s a story about using Allah as same word as other God which in Christian they believe Jesus is the son of God.

So, the Malaysian Christian (which I believe only some of them) currently claim that the word Allah not only belong to Muslim but also for them.. For me, it’s really sad they can’t even simplest thing & hurt Malaysian people really bad… After many decade we Malay Muslim had sacrifice a lot for the others Malaysian (neither race or religion) in the name of unity but right now when it relate to ‘Aqidah’ & Purity of Islam religion ! It’s really too much…. I don’t want our past mistake happen again & again…..

I believe this part of the Jewish plan. So to all Muslim, please come unite & protect our beloved religion & country…. P/S : Here I attached some interesting photo that may open any Muslim eye regarding this matter…. So, please don’t say in the name of democracy, or whatever…..


What the kids will think after this if Allah can be seen at church like this?? It’ll make them confuse like ‘we can pray Allah at church’ or ‘Allah has more than one’??? What will happen next??


This already happen in East Malaysia , so please do something before its spread here…


Don’t wait until it happen like in Indonesia which lot of confusion like this….. That time ‘Murtad’ is normal & can’t be stop anymore…. Again, to all my Muslim friend lets unite and face this for sake of our future… And if You feel like to comment on this issue....PLEASE DO....! Thanks….. Allahuakbar!! Allahuakbar!! Allahuakbar!! Wassalam…

p/s: Entry ini dihantar oleh sahabat kepada saya. Apa yang akan mungkin menimbulkan kebimbangan saya dan mungkin anda juga, tindakan ini bakal menimbulkan kekeliruan dikalangan orang Islam terutamanya yang goyah pegangan dan pengetahuannya. Moga-moga hal ini dapat penyelesaian yang terbaik yang menguntung pihak Islam dan bukan puak musuh Islam yang giat memurtadkan orang Islam di seluruh dunia.


  1. bagus sungguh entry ni...ana x phm..haha..kena bawak ke gogle trnslte..

  2. yeke...

    ni pn kwn yg send kt email...
    xde edit pn,just copy and paste je...hehe
    dah bawak ke google translate?
    nnt gtau ana ek...

  3. salam ziarah..
    nice entry! thanz atas prk0ngsian..
    m0ga isu ni cepat seatle dlm kedamaian

  4. to azrai...

    wslm..mudah2an hal ni dpt diselesaikan dgn cpt dlm kedamaian...
    walaupun pd dasarnya pggunaan nama Allah telah digunakan oleh ahli kitab di dalam Al-quran sendri tp dlm konteks malaysia, ia dibimbangi dimanipulasikan utk mengelirukan umat islam yg akhirnya blh mndtg kemudaratan bsr kpd umt islam itu sndri...moga2 Allah melindungi umat islam di malaysia,,

  5. umat islam d mlysia?umat islam d seluruh alam..

  6. to zawani....

    iyer wani,,umat islam di seluruh alam...
    tp dlm wat masa ni,,perkara ni sedang rancak berlaku di Malaysia, jd ana tulis g2 tok highlight kn keadaan yg berlaku di Malaysia..
    X slh kn?
    mcm doa jugak, adakala kita mintak perkara yg khusus sbb kita tujukan kpd bnd 2 shj...
    apa2 pn semoga Allah melindungi umat islam di malaysia dan sekalian alam seluruhnya...=)

  7. to utz hadi...

    iyer utz,,

  8. to zwani....

    bkn ust la...xlayak pn....
    klo nk jd ust,ana kne blaja dr nti ye ustzh...:)


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